
Jumat, 29 Juli 2011

Ini contoh tugas akhir profesi pendidikan dari kelompokQ. semoga bermanfaat.


Dra. Endang Rasmujiatun



Kata Pengantar

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Tiada kata yang paling patut kita haturkan kecuali berjuta puji syukur ke hadirat Allah Swt. atas segala limpahan rahmat, ni’mat, dan hidayah- Nya pada kita semua. Karene hanya dengan kehendak- Nyalah kita mampu melaksanakan segala aktifitas kita bersama- sama dalam mencapai kesejahteraan hidup ini.
Shalawat dan salam semoga tetap tercurah kepada uswatun hasanah kita, pemimpin kita, penebar panji- panji kebenaran, penegak tonggak agama Islam, nabi Muhammad Saw. Beliaulah yang telah berhati luar biasa membimbing umat Islam, dari zaman jahiliyah penuh kegelapan meneju generasi bertabur iman dan Islam, as- shiraatal mustaqiim
Pada kesempatan ini izinkan kami mengucapkan beribu terimakasih kepada Ibu Endang Rasmujiatun sebagai dosen penguji pada mata kuliah Pengantar Kependidikan 2. Makalah ini kami persembahkan sebagai tugas akhir perkuliahan pada semester IV ini. Kami berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk optimal dalam menyelesaikan tugas ini agar kami mendapatkan hasil yang sesuai dengan yang diharapkan serta memenuhi segala aturan yang telah diberikan oleh dosen penguji.
Akhirnya, kami berharap semoga makalah ini dapat memberi manfaat pada para pembaca pada umumnya dan penulis pada khususnya. Tiada yang memiliki kesempurnaan di dunia ini karena kesempurnaan hakiki hanya milik Allah Swt. Kami memohon apabila terdapat berbagai kekurangan dan kata- kata yang kurang tepat dalam makalah ini.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

Daftar Isi

Kata Pengantar……………………………………………………………………..i
Daftar isi…………………………………………………………………………...ii
Bab I :
  1. Latar Belakang………………………………………..…………….……....1          
  2. Rumusan masalah…………………………………………..……………....1

Bab II :
Pembahasan: Transaksional dan Interpersonal
  1. Kelas X semester 1…………………………………………………………2
  2. Kelas X semester 2…………………………………………………………10
  3. Kelas XI semester 1…………………………………………………….......15
  4. Kelas XI semester 2…………………………………………………….......24
  5. Kelas XII semester 1………………………………………………………..33
  6. Kelas XII semester 2………………………………………………………..46

Bab III : Penutup

Daftar Pustaka………………………………………………………………………51


a. Latar Belakang

Mata kuliah Pengantar Kependidikan 2 merupakan mata kuliah yang diwajibkan bagi seluruh mahasiswa fakultas keguruan dan ilmu penddikan. Karena dengan mata kuliah ini, maka seluruh mahasiswa diajarkan segala hal mengenai ruang lingkup pendidikan. Sebagai calon- calon guru di masa yang akan datang, seluruh mahasiswa lulusan fakultas keguruan dan ilmu pendidikan, khususnya prodi pendidikan bahasa inggris diharapkan mampu menjadi guru bahasa inggris yang kompeten dan profesional. Mereka mampu menguasai seluruh bahan ajar yang ada, melalui standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar agar siswa mampu mencapai kriteria ketuntasan minimal dengan baik.
Di dalam standar kompetensi mata pelajaran bahasa inggris terdapat empat komponen, di antaranya: Speaking, Listening, Reading, dan Writing. Pada masing- masing kompetensi ini terdapat kompetensi dasar yang berbeda- beda pula sesuai dengan kebutuhannya.
Pada tugas akhir pengantar kependidikan 2 ini kami akan membahas tuntas kompetensi dasar mengenai interaksional dan interpersonal, mulai dari kelas SMA kelas X hingga kelas XII. Mengapa harus tingkat Seklah Menengah Atas? Ya, karena mahasiswa lulusan pendidikan bahasa inggris ini diharapkan mampu menguasai jenjang tertinggi pendidikan sebelum memasuki bangku perkuliahan. Pada tugas akhir ini pula, seluruh materi dalam makalah ini mengacu pada kuurikulum KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan).

b. Rumusan Masalah
1. Apa definisi Interaksional dan Interpersonal?
2. Apa saja materi interaksional dan interpersonal untuk kelas X sampai kelas XII?


 Apa Transaksional dan Interpersonal?
*      Transaksional adalah suatu wacana yang berkaitan dengan suatu transaksi yang terjadi antara satu individu dengan individu lainnya. Misalnya, percakapan tentang situasi akan berbelanja.
*      Interpersonal adalah suatu wacana yang berkaitan dengan hubungan/interaksi satu individu dengan individu lainnya. Contoh, memberi salam.

*      Kelas X semester 1

Kompetensi dasar: merespon dan mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan tak resmi secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sederhana dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari- hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur:
1.1.   berkenalan, bertemu/ berpisah, menyetujui ajakan/ tawaran, undangan, menerima janji, dan membatalkan janji.
1.2.   Mengungkapkan perasaan bahagia, menunjukkan perhatian, menunjukkan simpati, dan memberi instruksi.

10.1.1.a.Expressions of Greeting, Introducing, and Parting

Conversation 1
Santoso met an Australian, Robert Bland.
Santoso      : Hi! My name is Santoso.
Robert B.   : Hi! My name is Robert. Robert Bland.
Santoso      : By the way, what are your nationality?
Robert B. : I am an Australian. I live in a city in Queensland. How do you do Santoso?
Santoso      : How do you do, Robert....?
Robert B.   : Robert Bland
Santoso      : What occasion are you in Indonesia?
Robert B.   : I am a new student here for a student exchange program in this school. How about you? Are you astudent here?
Santoso      : Yes, I am.
Robert B.   : What year are you in?
Santoso      : I am in the first year. I am in the X 1. In what year are you in?
Robert B.   : I am in the X 1.
Santoso      : Oh, we are in the same class.

Conversation 2
Today- May 2nd- is the commemoration of National Education Indonesian Day. Evey province in Indonesia sends their representatives to attend Outstanding Students Gathering in Jakarta.
Asep    : Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Asep. I study at SMA N 19 Bandung.
Denias : Hi! I am Denias. I’m from Papua. Nice to meet you.
Asep    : Nice to meet you too. Let’s go to the crowd.
Denias and Asep go to the crowd and they meet a girl. Elvi is her name.
Elvi      : Hi, Asep. How are you?
Asep    : I’m fine. How about you?
Elvi      : I’m fine too. Thank you.
Asep    : Elvi, let me introduce my new friend to you. This is Denias.
Denias : Hi. How do you do? Pleased to meet you.
Elvi      : How do you do? Pleased to meet you yoo.
Denias : By the way, what is your hobby?
Elvi      : I like cooking very much. I can spend my whole day for cooking.
Denias : Wow, great. My hobby is cooking too. Would you tell me how to cook special foods from your province?  I’d like to know them.
Asep    : Alright my friends. Let’s talk about cooking later. We should go to the palace to meet the President of Indonesia.
Denias and Elvi    : Let’s go. We can talk about cooking later.

Conversation 3
Mirna   : Hi, Toni, nice to meet you again after long holiday.
Toni     : Hello, Mirna, nice to meet you, too.
Mirna   : Anyway, where did you go on the last holiday?
Toni     : Well. I went to Bali. It’s a wonderful place with beautiful beaches and sceneries.
Mirna   : Wow. It sounds great. What did you do there?
Toni     : My family and I spent four nights there in a bungalow in Kuta beach. I had a great vacation there. I swam and surfed on the beach. I also played  football and sand with my brother.
Mirna   : What else didi you do there?
Toni     : The next morning I visited another small island around Bali on a boat. It was a great experience to see many beautiful places and have a talk with tourists there.
Mirna   : What did you do before you left Bali?
Toni     : On the last day, I went to the merchandise shops and bought some stuffs there. I bought shirts, shorts, and also traditional clothes. Unfortunately I couldn’t afford to buy a surfing board because it was too expensive.
Mirna   : Well. It’s nice to hear your story. I hope that I can also visit Bali someday. Ok, Toni, I will go to the market. Good bye...
Toni     : Bye..

Expressions of Greeting, Introducing, and Parting
§    Greeting
Greeting adalah soal sapa menyapa termasuk memberi salam. Ungkapan yang lazim dipakai adalah:
* Hello!                                     * How do you do?                          
* Good evening                        * Hi!
   * God morning                         * How are you?
   * Good afternoon
Perbedaan antara “How are you?” Dan “How do you do?”
How are you?       : Dipakai untuk orang yang sudah dikenal sebelumnya
How do you do?   : Dipakai untuk orang yang baru saja dikenal.

§    Greeting someone after a long time no see
* Hi, I haven’t seen you for ages.
* How are you getting on?      
* How have you been?

§    Responses
* I’m fine                                  * Just fine
* Very well, thank you             * Pretty good

§    Introducing
1.      To Introduce people, we say
* I would like to introduce you to...
* Come and meet...
* Let me introduce you to..     
* May I introduce you to....This is....
* I don’t think you have met. Let me introduce you to....

2. To introduce ourselves, we say
* Hi! My name is...                   * How do you do? My name is....    
* Hallo. My name is...               * Hello! My name is....
*Hi! I’m.....                               * First, let me introduce myself. My name is...
* Allow me to introduce myself. I’m....                                    
* Good morning. My name’s....
* Excuse me, my name is...

§    Parting/ Leaving/ Farewell
Parting adalah persoalan ucapan/ ungkapan berpisah.
Ungkapan yang lazim dipakai adalah:
* See you later                          * Good night
* See you tomorrow                 * Bye...

10.1.1.b. Offering to do something for someone (offering help)

Dialogue 1
Brama           : “Good morning. Can I help you?”
Kumbara       : “Yes, I’d like to  buy some shirts for me and my brothers.”
Brama           : “Which ones would you like?”
Kumbara       : “I’d like to have a look at some blue ones. Could you show me some, please?”
Brama           : “Yes, certainly. Here you are.”
Kumbara       : “Thanks. These look nice but they are to large.”
Brama           : “Shall I get you the smaller ones?”
Kumbara       : “Yes, please! I will have the medium size.”
Brama           : “Well, I will take for you.”

The bold typed words in the dialogue above are the examples of expressing offering help.

* Can I.......                                    * Shall I.....
* Let me......                                  * May I....
* Would you like me to....             * Is there anything I can do....
*Can I help you?                           *What can I do for you?
*Shall I get you………

Accepting                                      Refusing
* Yes, please!                                * No, thanks
* Thanks                                        * Thanks anyway, but...
* That’s very kind of you              * Thanks all the same, but...
* That’s extremely good of you    *It’s kind of you to offer, but....
                                                       * No, I don’t bother, really

^ We tend to use will/ would when we don’t know if a person is willing to help.
^ We tend to use can/ could when we don’t know if a person is able to help.

10.1.2.a. Expressing Sympathy, Regret, and Disappoinment

The Conversation
Francis   : Hi.....Where’ve you been? I haven’t seen you for a coupled of months.
Mario     : I went back to my home town, taking care of my sick mom.
Francis   : How sick?
Mario     : She got heart attack and was unconscious for a week.
Francis   : I’m sorry to hear that. You must be very sad.
Mario     : I was. But she is getting better now. By the way, how’s everything here?
Francis   : Not much changes, except we’ve got a new director.
Mario     : What’s wrong with Miss. Vina?
Francis   : I regret to say that she was fired.
Mario     : How come?
Francis   : She was considered not successful in handling our problems.
Mario     : That’s a great pity. She should’ve been given a chance to prove herself. Poor Miss. Vina! I feel sorry fot her.

Expressing Sympathy
Expressing Sympathy
I’m so sorry (to)....
Thank you
You must be very upset
That’s very kind of you
I know how you feel
That’s too bad
I sympathize with you

Expressing Regret
Expressing Regret
I’m so sorry if that...
Oh, well, such is a life
It’s a great pity....
I regret to 9that)...
What a pity!
That’s too bad.

Expressing Dissappoinment
Expressing Dissappoinment
I’m very sorry to....
Me too (beyond the speaker’s mistakes)
It’s happened (beyond the speaker’s mistakes or somebody else’s)
I didn’t do it internationally
Human being!
That’s a great pity..
It won’t happen next time
I realize I was wrong
It’s not only my fault
I admit I am wrong

10.1.2.b. Expressing Giving Information
The Dialogue
Sofy    : You look so happy. What’s up?
Tom     : Let me tell you. I become the first winner for the men’s singles in Badminton Championship in my district.
Sofy    : The match was very tough. I guessed.
Tom     : Surely, it was! I had to play in three sets to defeat my opponent in the final.
Sofy    : What were the scores?
Tom     : 15 – 8, 10 – 15, and 15 – 12
Sofy    : How long did the match last?
Tom     : Almost two hours.
Sofy    : What did you get in the championship then?
Tom     : A cup, money worth one and hal million rupiah.
Sofy    : That’s great! Now, your road to be a national champion is open for                 you.
Tom     : It’s still long away. I have to practice much harder. Just wish me luck.

Expressions to give information:
* Let me tell you....
* Let me inform you...
* Look! What I’ve got.
* You know what?...

10.1.2.c. Expressing likes/ dislikes

The Dialogue
Nindy  : I can’t wait to have a long vacation this month. We’re going to spend a week in Anyer and the other two weeks in Bandung.
Melly   : It sounds interesting.
Nindy  : Any planning in your holiday?
Melly   : Not really.
Nindy  : So, what would you like to during the holiday?
Melly   : I don’t know yet. I want to finish my second novel. The publisher wants it published in September.
Nindy  : Don’t you want to do something with your children?
Melly   : Of course. I do. But, right now what I want is finishing the book. After that I will have a lot of time for them.

The common phrases used for:
Asking about likes/ dislikes
Expressing likes/ dislikes
Do you like....?
I like/ dislike/ hate...
What do you like,.....or.....?
I really enjoy...
Do you dislike...?
I can’t stand....
What don’t you like,.....or....?
I don’t like the way...
Don’t you like....?
I love....
What are you keen on.....or.....?
I’m very keen on....

*      Kelas X semester 2

Kompetensi dasar: merespon dan mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan tak resmi secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sederhana dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari- hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur:
7.1. berterimakasih, memuji, dan mengucapkan selamat.
7.2. menyatakan rasa terkejut, menyatakan rasa tak percaya, serta menerima undangan, tawaran, dan ajakan.

10.7.1.a. Expressing Thanks

The Dialogue
Andre  : “I have a vey good conversation book.”
Sule     : “Is it an English book?”
Andre  : “Yes, and I want to give you the book.”
Sule     : “Thank you very much. You are so kind to me.”
Andre  : “Don’t mentioned it.”
Sule     : “Who is the writer of the book?”
Andre  : “Mr. Aziz.”
Sule     : “Is it an interesting book?”
Andre  : “Yes, I’m sure you like it.”
Sule     : “Oh, thanks a lot.”
Andre  : “You’re welcome.”

The bold typed words in the dialogue above are used to express thanks.
Study the following below!
Expressing Thanks
* Thanks.                                       * Thank you.
* Thank you very much.                * Many thanks.
* Thanks a lot.                               * Much obliged.
* I’m much obliged to you.           * Thank you for your kindness.
* Thanks for everything.               * Thanks for your help.
* It’s very kind of you.                 * I’m grateful to you.

* You’re welcome.                        * Don’t mention it.
* Forget it.                                     * No trouble at all.
* That’s quite all right.

10.7.1.b. Expressing of Praise

The Dialogue
Nunung        : “What did you think of the film?”
Aziz              : “I liked it. I thought it was great.”
Nunung        : “Yes, I liked it too. What did you think of Rano Karno?”
Aziz              : “Oh, he was great, he was excellent. He played his role perfectly in that film, didn’t he?”
Nunung        : “Yes, he did. I think he deserves the Citra Awards.”
Aziz              : “What did you think of the other actress?”
Nunung        : “I didn’t think he played very well.”
Aziz              : “I didn’t like his acting, either.”

The bold typed word above are used to express praising.
Study the following below!
Expression of praise:
* He was great.                              * He was excellent.
* Perfectly.

10.7.1.c. Expressing of Congratulation

The Dialogue
Tiwi     : “Hello, Tika! How are you?”
Tika     : “I’m fine, thank you, and you?”
Tiwi     : “Pretty well. By the way, I heard that you have been chosen as the best student in your school. Congratulations on your success.
Tika     : “Thank you very much.”
Tiwi     : “How do you feel?”
Tika     : “I am very happy to be the winner.”
Tiwi     : “And what about Olga?”
Tika     : “He is the second best student.”
Tiwi     : “I see.”

The bold typed sentences in the dialogue above are used to express congratulation.  
Expression of congratulate:
*have a nice day!
*Congratulation on….!

10.7.2.a. Expressing Amazement

The Dialogue
Victor  : Korea defeated Spain last night.
Willy   : What? Korea won the football match?
Victor  : Yes, it did. Isn’t it amazing?
Willy   : Woow! It was really beyond believe! Korea’s shown its quality as one of the Asian countries. It has been achieving a great improvement, not only in economic field but also others, including sports.
Victor  : We have to admit that Korea is really good. We, the Indonesian, must learn from the Korean. They’ve recovered from monetary crisis and prove themselves no longer underdog.
Willy   : You’re right. You know why?
Victor  : I think it has good players. It must need high discipline, qualified players, good coaches, and sufficient supporting facilities.
Willy   : I believe Korea’s success is particularly caused by its good and clean government.
Victor  : I think so.

The common phrases used for:
Expressing surprise/ amazement
Asking about surprise/ amazement
Huh? What?
Are you surprised/ amazed?
Oh! Wouw!
Does that surprise you?
What a surprise!
Is this a surprise/ amazing?
What’s so surprising?
That’s unbelievable!
Isn’t this incredible?
I’m really surprise/ amazed at...
Can you believe it?
It was beyond believe!
10.7.2.b. Expressing of Invitation

Dialogue 1
Yuli     : “There will be a dancing show in my school tonight. Would you like to come?”
Nindi   : “Let me see, I have many homeworks to do but I think I can make them finished at four. What time is the show?”
Yuli     : “Seven.

Dialogue 2
Oni      : “Would you like to come for dinner tonight?”
Victor  : “With the pleasure.”

The bold typed sentences in the dialogue above are used to express invitation.

Study the following below!
Giving invitation
Would you like to..?
I’d love to.
I’d love to but I can’t.
Would you be......with me?
That sounds great.

How about...?
I’d be glad to.
I’d love to but I won’t be able to.

We are very happy to come.

It’s very nice of you to invite me.

*      Kelas XI semester I

Kompetensi dasar: merespon dan mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan tak resmi secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sederhana dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari- hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur:
1.1. Menyampaikan pendapat, meminta pendapat, menyatakan puas, dan meyatakan tidak puas.
1.2. menasehati, memperingatkan, meluluskan permintaan, serta menyatakan perasaan relief, pain, dan pleasure.

11.1.1.a. Expressing Opinion and Denial or Objection

Conversation 1
Andy        : People say that technology is developing at a great speed.
Susy         : I think so.
Heny        : Eating too many chilies can make the hair fall out.
Sary          : I deny that.
Wawan     : In my opinion laser printers are the best.
Dany        : I think so.
Harry        : You’re too generous. Aunt.
Mrs. Tina  : Not at all. I want you to have a really good time on our birthday.

Conversation 2
Sally         : “Rian, you’ve seen Kuntilanak movie, haven’t you?”
Rian         : “Yes, I have.”
Sally         : “What do you think about it?”
Rian         : “Well, I was a bit dissappointed. I didn’t think it was a particular good film at all.”
Sally         : “Oh, I disagree, Rian! I think it was great. It’s one of the best films I’ve ever seen. Don’t you think so, Rahma?
Rahma      : “Yes, I agree with you. It was good.... I enjoyed it...but, to be honest, it wasn’t as good as I thought it would be...”

The bold typed sentences in the dialogue above are the examples of how to ask for and give opinion. The expression opinion is used to ask,give opinion, and denial about something.
Asking for Opinion
Giving Opinion
What do you think of...?
I think...
Do you think...?
In my opinion...
What’s your opinion about...?
In my view...
What’s your idea about...?
According to my opinion...
I think so.
I believe

While, expression of denying opinion are:
* I deny that                    * I think the information you have must be wrong
* Sorry, that’s not right   * No, that’s not right
* It is not, is it?               * Not at all
* Nonsense!                     * If I may say so, you’re mistaken

11.1.1.b. Expressing Agreement and Disagreement

The Dialogue
Mr. Herbert     : “Do you agree if protecting children from malnutrition practice in our neighbourhood is also our responsibility?”
Mr. Tim           : “I quite do.”
Mr. Herbert     : “So, what will we do first?”
Mr. Tim           : “Make a list from suffering children.”
Mr. Tim           : “I share the same opinion. Next?”
Mr. Herbert     : “Ask a nutritionist for help.”
Mr. Tim           : “But, no one is near here.”
Mr. Tim           : “I know, but we have a will to help them, don’t we?”
Mr. Herbert     : “Then we must get one. Will you be ready to find one and arrange a meeting with them?”
Mr. Tim           : “I will, and the meeting should be in this month.”
Mr. Herbert     : “No. I don’t think I can accept your idea, because we need time to make a perfect plan. So let’s start doing as soon as possible!”
Mr. Tim           : “Will this charity need much money?”
Mr. Herbert     : “Yes, but don’t worry. There are many ways to have it, Ok?”
The bold typed sentences in the dialogue above are the expressions of agreement and disagreement. Agreement or disagreement expressions are used to express our view toward someone’s opinion.
Study the expression below!
I agree with...
I disagree.
That’s quite right.
Sorry, that’s not a good idea.
That’s great!
I don’t agree with you.
That’s true.
Not really.
That true.
That’s good, but...
I quite do.
No. I don’t think I agree.
I share the same opinion.
No, I don’t think I can accept your idea.

11.1.1.c. Expressing Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction

The Dialogue
Santi         : “Have you read today’s newspaper?”
Dewi        : “Not yet. Anything interesting?”
Santi         : “Yes, the apology form the company. Take a look the newspaper is over there!”
Dewi        : (Picking up the newspaper and starting to read it) “Is that all?”
Santi         : “Yes, that is.”
Dewi        : “This is not enough! I’m not satisfied with the ads. The size of the ads should have been half of page. Besides, the company only apologized, but they didn’t mention what they would do as compensation.”
Santi         : “Oh, come on. The point is not the matter of the size, but the company was sincere to apologize.”
Dewi        : “I think they have already shown their good will. It’s more than enough, isn’t it?”

The bold typed sentences in the dialogue above are the examples of expressing satisfaction and dissatisfaction. The expression of satisfaction and dissatisfaction is used to express our feeling hat we are satisfied or dissatisfied to someone or something.
Study the table below!
I’m satisfied with...
I’m not satisfied with...
I’m so happy about this.
It’s difficult to appreciate...
It’s satisfying that...
It’s not satisfying that...
I like....very much.
I’m dissappointed about...
I’m pleased with...
I hate...very much.
I’m happy with...
I’m unhappy with...
I can’t complain about....
I’m annoyed.
It is more than enough.
I’m dissatisfied with...
This is what I supposed to.
I’m displeased.

11.1.2.a.Giving Advice

The dialogue
Ria              : “Mom, my friends will pick me up to go to music concert tonight.”
Mrs. Yanti  : “You should be better to stay at home. The sky is cloudy. I think it will be rainy.”
Ria              : “But Mom, I want to see the concert.”
Mrs. Yanti  : “Okay, it’s up to you, but take care of yourself.”
Ria              : “Thanks a lot Mom. I will go home before 10.00 p.m.”
Mrs. Yanti  : “Yes. But, I strongly advise you to be careful.”
Ria              : “Alright, Mom.”
The bold typed sentences in the dialogue above are the examples of how to give advice. We usually give advice when our friend or relatives need our idea to solve their problems. Advice can also be given to warn somebody.
# To give advice, we commonly use:
Rounded Rectangle: § ....S + should + V1 + ........
§ ....S + ought to + V1 + ....... 

For examples:    * You should come to school on time.
                          * I think you ought to try another way.
# Instead of using should or ought to, we can also give our advice by the following ways:
Rounded Rectangle: § You’d better...
§ I think you’d better...1. If you want to give advice firmly, you can use:

For examples:    * You’d better prepare yourself.
                          * I think you’d better tell him the truth.
Rounded Rectangle: I advise you to....2. If you wan to give advice seriously, you can use:

For examples:    * I advise you to consult to a specialized doctor.
                          * I strongly advise you not to smoke.

11.1.2.b. Giving Warning

Dodo   : “What are you doing, Bud?”
Budi    : “I am going to catch these frogs.”
Dodo   : “Don’t catch that frog!”
Budi    : “Why?”
Dodo   : “It is poisinous, eventhough its colour is attractive.”
Budi    : “Oh, really?”
Dodo   : “Yes, it is. It’s better for us to go home now.”
Budi    : “Yes. You’re right. Let’s go home!”

The bold typed sentences in the dialogue above is the example of giving warning. Warning is usually expressed when we see someone doing or will do something wrong or dangerous. It can also be used to forbid someone. When we want to warn someone, we can express it in the patterns of commands or prohibitions.
Study the pattern below!
Rounded Rectangle: § Command: V1 + ....!
§ Prohibition: No/ Don’t + ....! 

For examples:    * Be careful on the way!   * No smoking here!
                          * Don’t throw the rubbish everywhere
                          * Watch out of the fire!     * Don’t cheat your friend’s work!

11.1.2.c. Granting Permission or Request

The Conversation
Sammy     : “Would you please do me a favour, Rud?”
Rudi         : “It depends on what it is.”
Sammy     : “Could you lend me Rp 50,000 until Thursday?”
Rudi         : “Sure. If you’re sure to pay me on Thursday?”
Sammy     : “Of course, I am. Would you mind lending me your motorcycle too, tonight?”
Rudi         : “Of course. But you must take it back at my home before nine.”
Sammy     : “Okay. I will at your home at eight thirty. Thanks a lot Rud. You’re truly my riend.”
Rudi         : “Don’t mention it.”

The bold typed expressions in the dialogue above are the examples of granting permisson or request expression. The expression is used to accept and grand permission or request.
The expressions are:
* Of course                                    * Yes, sure
* Okay                                           * I’ll do it
* With my pleasure                        * Yes, you may

Direct Commands or Requests
Dialogue 1
Father       : Ani, tell Tono to clean the room.
Ani           : (later) Tono, father asks you to clean the room.

Dialogue 2
Mother     : Tell Budi not talk loudly.
Ani           : Budi, mother asks you not to talk loudly.

Dialogue 3
A notice reads   : “Enjoy yourselves.”
Ani to Tuti        : Look! We are asked to enjoy ourselves.

Note         : If you want to ask someone to do something, usually you speak directly to him/ her. But sometimes you can not do because the one you ask is not pesent. In this case you can ask someone else to tell him/ her.

11.1.2.d. Expressing Pain, Pleasure, and Relief

The dialogue
Putri    : “Hi! How is the result of your English test?”
Vita     : “I don’t know yet. It will be announced tomorrow. But I think it will be bad.”
Putri    : “How come? Did you study for it?”
Vita     : “Yeah, but I have difficulties to do it. How bad it is.”
Putri    : “Don’t be pessimistic. I know you can handle it.”
Vita     : “I hope so. I’m glad it’s done, and I think it couldn’t be bad enough. Thank you.”
Putri    : “Yeah. I’m happy to hear that.”
Vita     : “Don’t mention it.”

 The bold typed sentences in the dialogue above are the examples of pain, pleasure, and relief expression. The expression of pain is used to express the feeling when we are on the unpleasant condition, such as sick, hurt, poor, etc. The expression of pleasure is used to express the feeling of happiness or satisfaction about something like success wealth, health, etc. While the expression of relief is used to relieve from an unpleasant condition.

I’m very pleased with...
I’m very pleased.
It gives me great pleasure to hear that.
I’m delighted to hear that.
I’m glad you like it.
Isn’t this great?
Oh, no! It’s hurt!
What an awful condition it is!
How bad it is!
Oh, that’s all right.
Thanks God for that.
Oh, what a relief!
Oh, I’m glad it’s done.

11.1.2.e. Expressing Pleasure and Displeasure

The dialogue
Sita      : “ I went home so late last night.”
Toni     : “Did your English course take a long time?”
Sita      : “No. It didn’t. The cause is, I had to wait for the bus for almost an hour. I’m really displeased with it.”
Toni     : “Many people have the same experience, especially at busy hours. But they don’t complain!”
Sita      : “I know. I shouldn’t have. I just feel sp tired.”
Toni     : “I tell you something. Next time, bring your walkman. So, while you’re waiting for the bus, you can enjoy your favorite music.”
Sita      : “That’s wonderful! I’ll try that next time.”

The bold typed sentences in the dialogue above are the expressions used to show pleasure and displeasure. The expressions of the pleasure are usually used to express the feeling of happiness or satisfaction about something. While the displeasure expression are used when there is bad situation happen to someone.
Pleasure Expressions
Displeasure Expressions
Isn’t this great?
This is not good
It’s a pleasure think.
I can’t stand with this situation.
Oh, what a pleasant!
I am really displeased with this...
Oh, thanks God.
I am dissappointed with...
That’s wonderful!
What a terrible... (noun) it is!
Oh, I’m happy about...
Oh no!
What a surprise!
Oh no, not again!

*      Kelas XI semester 2

Kompetensi dasar: merespon dan mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan tak resmi secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sederhana dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari- hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur:
7.1. menyatakan sikap terhadap sesuatu, menyatakan perasaan cinta, dan menyatakan perasaan sedih.
7.2. Menyatakan perasaan malu, menyatakan perasaan marah, dan menyatakan perasaan jengkel.

11.7.1.a. Expressing Asking for and Giving Opinion

The Dialogue
Rini     : What do you think about that blouse?
Ana     : Nice blouse! Which colour do you like?
Rini     : The red one. What do you think?
Ana     : The red one beautiful, but I prefer the blue one. Blue is my favorite colour.
Rini     : Do you think this skirt will be match?                          
Ana:    Well. I think so, trough would rather have trousers than a skirt.

The bold typed sentences in the dialogue above are the examples of asking for and giving opinion. The expression of asking for and giving opinion is used to ask and give oinion or comment from someone about something.
Study the expressions below!
Asking for opinion
Giving opinion
What do you think about....?
I think (that)....
In my opinion...
How about...?
I really think...
It seems to me that...

11.7.1.b. Expressing Polite Request

The Conversation
Tony    : “Tony is speaking, who is this?”
Ratih   : “Hi, Tony, this is Ratih. How are you doing?”
Tony    : “Well, fine. How are you?”
Ratih   : “I am okay. I wonder if you could do me a favour.
Tony    : “What is it?”
Ratih   : “I have to make a report to summarize, “The Princess and The Bowling Ball.”
Tony    : “So, what’s the problem? You can solve it by yourself, can’t you?”
Ratih   : “Yes, but I don’t have that book. Would you mind lending me yours?”
Tony    : “Sorry. It doesn’t belong to me. It’s Anton’s. I will return it to him this afternoon. So, you can borrow it from him.”
Ratih: “Okay. Thanks for your information.”
The bold typed sentences in the dialogue above are used to express polite request. Polite request is used when we want to ask help from the others politely.

Study the following explanations!
1. If we want to ask the others politely, we can use the following expressions:
* Would you...            * Could you....
* Will you....               * Can you...
* Won’t you...
2. Pay attention to the following differences:
* Would you like to + V1
* Would you mind + Ving
3. Agreement for doing something:
* Yes, of course.
* Certainly.
* All right.
4. Disagreement for doing something:
* I’m afraid I can’t.
* Sorry, I can’t.

11. 7.1.c. Expressing Love

The Conversation
Budi    : “Have you heard about the latest news?”
Dedi    : “Yes, I have. I was so sad reading about the accident caused by the trailer. Another news told about the broken bridge that caused the accident.”
Budi    : “You know I love travelling, but the high rate of transportation accidents discourages me a lot.”
Dedi    : “The fact shows that the careless but drivers have caused a lot of accidents, but you don’t have to stop travelling, do you?”
Budi    : “How about the old bridges? It seems that the local government paid no attention to them. They will start thinking about it after the accidents have taken place. Can you imagine the sadness of the victims families?”
Dedi    : “Of course I can. Moreover, I remember when the fifty students died because of being burnt in the bus. But the point is, we needn’t stop our activities only because of that. Right? I won’t stop my pleasure, like travelling. What we need is being careful. Don’t you agree?”
Budi    : “Absolutely.”
Dedi    : “By the way, where will you go for the next holiday?”
Budi    : “I plan to go to Bali with my family. You know, I love Bali vey much. How about you?”
Dedi    : “Well, probably I go to Lombok.”

The bold typed sentences in the dialogue above are the examples of expressing love. The expression of love is used to express our feeling that we are fond of someone or something.

Study the expressions below!
* I love you/ it/ that.                      * I enjoy….
* I really love you/ it/ that.            * I’m very keen on…
* I like…                                       * I’m fond of….

11.7.1.d. Expressing Sadness

The Dialogue
Sinta    : “Yesterday, when I visited my friend, I saw a sorrowful incident. I said to myself, “God….what is this?”
Alvin   : “Tell me.”
Sinta    : “Some beggars became very angry ang fought each other. Their anger didn’t stop eventhough there was a policeman who tried to break it up.”
Alvin   : “What had happened?”
Santi    : “I’m not sure, but at seemed that they were fighting for food.”
Alvin   : “I’m sad to hear it! People fought only because of food. Isn’t it sorrowful?”
Santi    : “Absolutely. That’s the life of poor people.”

The bold typed sentences in the dialogue above are the examples of sadness expression. Sadness expression is used when we feel or meet sorrowful incidents.

Expressions of sadness
* I’m really sad with this.              * Please leave me alone.
* I’m so sad to hear it.                  * I’m so sad to see that.
* I’m feeling sad now.                  * I can’t stand with this.
* You aren’t pleasant to meet me.
11.7.1.e. Expressing Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction

The Dialogue
Jeny     : have you read today’s newspaper?”
Paul     : “Not yer. Anything interesting?”
Jeny     : “Yes, the apology from Malaysia government about our Karate umpire hammer.”
Paul     : “ (Picking up the newspaper and starting to read it) Is that all?”
Jeny     : “Yes.”
Paul     : “This is not enough! I’m not satisfied yet. Malaysian government should give apologize to Indonesian governmnt formally.”
Jeny     : “Oh, come on. The point is not the matter of that, but they was sincere to apologize.”
Paul     : “Still it’s not satisfying.”
Jeny     : “I think they have already shown their good will. It’s more than enough. Isn’t it?”

The bold typed sentences in the dialogue above are the expressions of satisfaction and dissatisfaction. We can use certain expressions to indicate the feeling. Here are some expressions to show our satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
I’m satisfied with...
I’m dissatisfied with...
I’m so happy about this.
I’m difficult to appreciate...
I’m satisfying that...
It’s not satisfying that..

11.7.1.f. Expressing Pleasant and Unpleasant

The Dialogue
Mr. Adrian   : “Nadia, has our branch office in Jogya called us about the project?”
Nadia            : “Yes, Sir. I eceived their call an hour ago.”
Mr. Adrian   : “Good news or bad news?”
Nadia            : “Thay said the customer accepted our offer and would like to meet you to discuss further.”
Mr. Adrian   : “Did they?”
Nadia            : “Yes, Sir.”
Mr. Adrian   : “I’m very please with you. O.K nadia please order an air ticket. I’m flying to jogya tomorrow.”
Nadia            : “Yes, Sir.”

The bold typed sentences in the dialogue above are the expressions of pleasant and unpleasant. There are some expressions can be used to express pleasant and unpleasant feeling.

Study the expressions below!
Pleasant expressions
Unpleasant expressions
Oh, what a pleasant!
I am really displeased to...
That’s wonderful!
I am dissappointed with...
That will be a great...
Oh no, not again!
Oh, I am happy about...
I don’t feel like watching it.
I don’t see any advantages of watching it.
Oh, what a pleasant!
What a is!
Oh, thanks God.
I can’t stand to this situation.

11.7.2.a. Expressing Embarrasment

The Conversation
Dea      : “Did you read about the mission to Mars?”
Alfin    : “No. What’s so interesting?”
Dea      : “God gives human such a great intelligence that man can create a marvelous technology to reach the planet. Though it will take seven years, still we have a hope to know more about it.”
Alfin    : “Seven years?”
Dea      : “Yes, it’s predicted that the spacecraft will reach the planet in 2011. Soon, we will be able to see the pictures of it.”
Alfin    : “Hm…I’m wondering when Indonesian will be able to do it.”
Dea      : “I don’t know.”
Alfin    : “Come on, don’t be to synical?”
Dea      : “No, I’m not. This is the fact. Many Indonesians are busy to fight and corrupt. Even, there were fights in football matches. Isn’t it painful to know? It is so embarrassing.”
Alfin    : “Please be optimistic. The attitude of Indonesian will be better. The president promised to bring the country into a better situation.”
Dea      : “I’m relieved to hear that.”
Alfin    : “Let’s keep hoping for the best.”
Dea      : “Yes, you’re right.”

The bold typed sentences in the dialogue above is the example of how to express embarrassement. We feel embarrassed when foolish things happen to us. In order to show that kind of feeling, we can use certain expressions of embarrassement.

Study the the expressions below!
* What an embarrassing situation!* I’m so ashamed.
* I’m so embarrassed!                   * It makes me feel so ashamed.
* It’s so embarrassing!                   * I was so embarrassed.
11.7.2.b. Expressing Anger

The Dialogue
Robby Casino was driving his car. A police pulled him over and did a test to his vehicle.
Officer     : “Excuse me, Mr. Casino, your vehicle is illegal. It uses leaded petrol.”
Robby : “Pardon?”
Officer     : “It’s illegal. I’ll give you a ticket.”
Robby : “I’m very unhappy about this, officer.”
Officer     : “Don’t you knoe that the government prohibits the use of  leaded petrol?”
Robby : “This is unfair. You see, this is a small country. There is no public transport. This vehicle is the only way to about. You should have treated people in the country differentl from people in the city.”

The bold typed sentences in the dialogue above are the examples of expressing anger. Anger expression is used when we are treated unfair. This condition make us emotionally hurted.

Study the expressions below!
I’m very annoyed.
This is extremely irritating.
Oh, that’s great. (sarcastic)
Oh no!
I’m very unhappy.
Oh no, what next?
Oh dear!
I find...extremely offensive.
What an idiot/ fool.
Oh brother!
I must say I resent/ object to...
I can’t stand...
I take great/ considerable exception to...
I’m fed up with...

11.7.2.c. Expression of Giving Surprise/ Exclamation

The Dialogue
Dana    : “Good morning, Nana. How are you today?”
Nana    : Good morning. I’m pretty well. How about you?”
Dana    : I’m fine, thaks. I went to WBL yesterday and I bought a hat there.”
Nana    : “Oh, yes? Where is the hat now? Do you bring it?
Dana    : “Oh, yes. Of course. This is the hat (shows the hat)
Nana    : “What a nice hat you bought!”
Dana    : “Ok. Thank you.”

To express surprise, we can use exclamations. There are the ways to make exclamation sentences.
The example of Expression of exclamation:
Noun phrase
Nice hat!
Beautiful tie!
What interesting book you bought!
What a lovely day!
How dirty the room is!
How kind you are!
It’s so huge!
This is such a beautiful place!
It’s the most wonderful place I’ve ever seen!

11.7.2.d. Expressing Annoyance

The Conversation
Mom    : “Diah, don’t bother your brother!”
Diah    : “No, Mom. I only ask him something.”
Niko    : “She asks me too many annoying things.”
Diah    : “But only the simple ones.”
Niko    : “I’m anxious for the unfinished work, Diah.”
Mom    : “Star studying, will you?”
Diah    : “Mom, Niko doesn’t answer my question.”
Mom    : “What is it?”
Diah    : “Why does he get angry with Sisca.”
Mom    : “Are you angry with her Niko?”
Niko    : “Yes, I’m.”
Mom    : “What’s the matter?”
Niko    : “She’s naughty. When we were at the bank of a river, I look down the water to see the fish. She held my hand when I looked closer to them. She said, “Go on looking them. Don’t fear, I hold your hand.” But after some seconds, she released me and that made me plunged into the water. It’s make me annoyed.”

The bold typed sentences in the conversation above are the examples of expressing annoyance. The expressions of annoyance is used when we feel something annoy us.

Study the expressions below!
* It’s annoying...                           * That makes me crazy.
* Don’t annoy...please.                  * I’m very annoyed.
* It makes me annoyed.                * Would you stop it?
* I can’t take this anymore.           * Could you stop doing it?

*      Kelas XII semester 1

Kompetensi dasar: merespon dan mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan tak resmi secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sederhana dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari- hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur:
1.1. Mengususlkan, memohon, mengeluh, membhasa kemungkinan atau untuk melakukan sesuatu, dan memerintah.
1.2. Megakui kesalahan, berjanji, menyalahkan, menuduh, mengungkapkan keingintahuan dan hasrat, dan menyatakan berbagai sikap.

12.1.1.a. Giving Advice/ Suggestion

The Dialogue
Subardi and Sugito are in the third year of SMA. They will have been graduated from the school by June this year.
Subardi  : “By the way, would you like to continue studying in a university next July?”
Sugito    : “I don’t know. You see my parents do not have enough money to send me in a university.”
Subardi  : “I’m sorry to hear that. But why don’t you take a year- course of computer for example?”
Sugito    : “Maybe you are right. It is reasonable. I’ll consider it with my parents. How about you?”
Subardi  : “I will take International Relation in a university.”
Sugito    : “Why not taking Management in order to be a manager?”
Subardi  : “Oh! It’s a good idea, but I don’t like it.”

Expressions of Giving Advice/ Suggestion
* Why not....?                                * Why don’t you....?
* If I were you, I’d....                   * What
*Have you thought about...           * I have an idea.
* Let’s...                                        * Perhaps you could....
* I think it is better if...                 * I suggest you...
* You should...                              * I’d like to suggest that...
* It’s better for you to...                * For sure, it’s better to...
* How about...                               * Let me suggest that...

Expressions of Responses for Suggestion
* I think it’s a good idea.              * Your suggestion is right.
* Thanks for your suggestion.       * It is clear now. Thank you.
* What a good idea!                      * That’s a good suggestion.
* That’s sounds good/ great.         * I hadn’t thought of that.

12.1.1.b. Requesting and Responses

The Dialogue
Astuti visited Liana after schooling in the afternoo. Here is the conversation:
Liana   : “Astuti, you are certainly hangry. It’s 2 p.m. Do you mind having lunch with me? My mother has prepared it for us.”
Astuti  : “No, not at all. My own mother has waited me for lunch, too.”
Liana   : “Don’t be shy, Astuti. Come on. You can’t leave before having lunch. O.K.”
Astuti  : “With heavy hearted.”

The expressions of Requesting and Responses
Can you...?
Yes, certainly
Could I have...?
Yes, please
Do you think you could...?
Sure, no problem
I’m sorry. I can’t
Will you...?
With my pleasure
I would like you to...
Of course
Could you...?
Why not?
Do you mind if I...?
No, not at all

12.1.1.c. Expressing Complaining

The Dialogue
Mr. and Mrs. Jones had dinner in a restaurant of their town.
Mr. Jones    : “Two plates of beaf steak and two bottles of cold coca, please.”
Waiter        : “Yes, Sir. Wait a minute, Sir.”

About 15 minutes or more the food and baverage haven’t come yet.
Mr. Jones    : “Hi...What’s the matter with my order?”
Mrs. Jones  : “Be patient my husband.”
Mr. Jones    : “I have a complain about the service here. It is too long to order just two plates of steak and baverage. Let’s leave this restaurant.”
Waiter        : “I’m sorry, Sir.”

The bold typed sentences in the dialogue above are the examples of expressing complaining. Expressing complaining is used to complain about something wrong happen.

There are some expressions of complain, such as:
Andi was waiting for you at the park yesterday, but you didn’t turn up. How come?
Sorry, I don’t know that.
Don’t forget, you have still to do your homework.
Sorry, I’ll do it soon.
Hi, I need my dictionary back. Have you finish with it?
Oh. I got there late, and you had already gone. I’m really sorry.
By the way, I asked you to return my bicycle.
Oh, Gee. I’m sorry. Let me write you a cheque right now.
Your television is too loud, I’m trying to concentrate.
Oh, yeah. Sorry, I’m forget.
I have a complain about...
Oh, sorry. I completely forgot to bring it
It’s crazy.

12.1.1.d. Expressing of Handling Complain

The conversation
After Ratu and Dewa had a test, they made conversation.
Ratu    : “Hello, Dewa. How did you get on?”
Dewa   : “Oh, not too badly I suppose. But the trouble is I keep thinking of all the things I didn’t have time to do.”
Ratu    : “How many questions did you answer?”
Dewa   : “Oh, I did all four of them. But I didn’t really have time to finish the last one properly.”
Ratu    : “Well, don’t worry. I’m sure you will be all right.”
Dewa   : “Mmmm, I hope so. But if only I had done the last question properly.”
Ratu    : “Oh, come on. One question isn’t everything. And I’m sure you did enough of it to pass.
Dewa   : “Well, anyway, at least it’s over.”
The bold typed in the dialogue above are used to handle complains.

Study the expressions of handling complain below!
* Well, don’t worry. I’m sure...
* Oh, come on. You don’t have to worry.
* Just relax. Everything will be O.K.

12.1.1.e. Expressing Possibility and Impossibility to Do Something

Dialogue 1
John and Bram are in the same class, the first year of an SMA. They go to school by motorcycle. John always brings a raincoat, but Bram doesn’t. Their class is over this afternoon.
John     : “Hi, Bram, look! It is very dark. It is cloudy outside.
Bram   : Is it very possible that it is going to rain soon?
John     : Yes, it is. Don’t you bring your raincoat?
Bram   : “Yes, I do.”

Dialogue 2
Aris     : “Anybody home?”
Joko     : “Hi, Aris. What can I do for you?”
Aris     : “Could I use your motorcycle?”
Joko     : “What’s wrong with yours?”
Aris     : “It’s still in the workshop. The mechanic hasn’t finished repairing it.”
Joko     : “It doesn’t matter. I’ll go nowhere.”
Aris     : “Perhap you’ll have slept.”
Joko     : “ By the time you come here, I will have gone to sleep. Bye.”
Aris     : “See you later.”
 The bold typed sentences in the dialogue above is the example of expressing possibility or impossibility. This expression is used to predict something will be/ may be happened after something happened.

Study the expressions below!
To state possibility
To ask possibility
To state impossibility
It’s possible that...
Is it possible that...?
There is no chance.
There is a possibility of...
Is there a possibility of...?
There is less chance
There is a possibility that...
Is there a possibility that...?
There is a little chance
Is it possible
It is impossible to...
Subject + may + ...
It is unlikely..
There is a chance.
Probably not.
There is more chance
It doesn’t like...
It is possible for...
It could be...

There are some ways in expressing capability or ability. We can use modals (can= is/ am/ are able to; and could= was/ were able to).
Capability/ ability in the present
Capability/ ability in the past
I am able to swim.
I was able to swim when I was 10 years old.
She is able to fly a plane.
She was able to drive a car when she was 15 years old.
They are able to speak English
They were able to solve the problem.

12.1.1.f. Expressing Command and Prohibition

The Dialogue
Soni     : “Mom, look at what I have!”
Mom    : “What is it?”
Soni     : “A brochure about the newly- launched cellular phone.”
Mom    : “Common Son, you shouldn’t think about it anymore. Focussing on your subjects is the main thing. Don’t you think so?”
Soni     : “Yes, of course. But...can I change my cellular phone to the newest one?”
Mom    : “I’m afraid you can’t. Son, listen! I have no doubt that you are smart, cute, and adorable. You will be able to have your nicest years during high school without equipped with luxurious facilities. What do you say?”
Soni     : “Sure, I‘m really sure about my life.”
Mom    : “Good, understand our objection to buy you a new one, don’t you?”
Soni     : “I have no choice. Right, Mom?”
Mom    : “ This is not a matter of having choice or not. It’s about necessary or not. Once again, don’t you ever think about it anymore! Deal?”
Soni     : “Deal, Mom.”
The bold typed sentences in the dialogue above are the examples of expressing command and prohibition. The expression of command and prohibition is used when we want to someone do something we want.

Study the following explanation!
1. You can use the following words to express command:
a. Modals:                   * must    * have to
                                    * should * ought to
b. Imperative words: * Listen...!           * Go...!       *Let’s...!
For example:
* You must clean the floor.
* He has to do his homework now.
* Listen to me!
2. You can use the following words to express prohibition:
a. Modals:                   * must not           * not have to
                                    * should not        * oughtn’t to
b. Don’t + V1...!
c. No + noun/ gerund!
For examples: *You musn’t cheat on exam.
* Don’t wear a hat in the classroom!
* No smoking here!

12.1.2.a. Expression of Confessing

Cynara     : “Audrey, where is my pen you borrowed?.”
Audrey     : “Oh, I’m sorry. I can’t return it now. It was lost. It was my fault.
Cynara     : “How can you lees it?”
Audrey     : “It fall when I took a bus, so I can’t looking for it then. But I’ll reduce it for you tomorrow.”
Cynara     : “Oh, okay. No problem.”
Audrey     : “Don’t you angry with me?”
Cynara     : “No, of course not.”
Audrey     : “Thank you, Ra.”
Cynara     : “You’re welcome.”

The bold typed expressions in the dialogue above show the expression of accesing. This expressions are used when we realize to do something wrong to other people.

Study the following expressions!
* I admit I was wrong.    * You’re right and I was wrong.
* It was my own fault.    * I;m sorri I have made a mistake.
* I was the one to blame.

12.1.2.b. Making Promise

The Dialogue
Rama        : “Sinta, don’t go out of the line I made. I’ll catch the deer.”
Sinta         : “O.K. But don’t leave me for along time.”
Rama        : “Oh,..I promise, I’ll come back soon.”
Sinta         : “Is that a promise?”
Rama        : “Yes, it’s a promise.”
Sinta         : “Take care.”
Rama        : “Of course. Promise me don’t ever leave this place.”
Sinta         : “Yes, I will. I’ll keep the promise.”
Rama        : “Good bye, Sinta.”
Sinta         : “Good bye Rama. See you later.”

The bold typed expressions in the dialogue above show the expression of making promise.
Study the expressions below!
Making Promise
Accepting Promise
I promise you to...
It’s very kind of you.
I will never do it again. I promise you.
You’re really a good friend.
I will be back soon.
You have my promise that I will..
I’ll be waiting.
How nice you are!
What a good friend you are!
Cancelling Promise
Responding to cancelling Promise
I’m sorry. Ican’t make it.
That’s all right.
I really sorry that I can’t do what I promised.
It’s O.K.
I’m sorry, we have to delay our plan.
We’ll do it some other time.
We can do it someday, okay?

12.1.2.c. Expressions of Accusing and Denying

The Dialogue
Siska        : “You are the one to blame.”
Resa         : “Are you accusing me?”
Siska        : “Right. What did you tell Edo about me?”
Resa         : “I deny that. I don’t tell anything but he told me that one day, he came to my house and he said that you and Robin were going out to the ‘Warung Steak’. When he came there, he was very disappointed beause he had dated with you before, he said. I didn’t tell him anything and I didn’t know about it though I was your close friend, I explained. OK, now tell me the truth.”
Siska        : “Yach,...I’m sorry for blaming you. I wonder if he’ll hate me.”
Resa         : “Why?”
Siska        : “Actually, Edo dated me at the ‘Warung Steak’ at four o’clock in the afternoon. I have waited for him nearly half an hour, but he hadn’t come yet. Suddenly Robin came and sat next to me. Until we had eaten, Edo didn’t come, then I decided to go home with Robin.”
Resa         : “Well. You should explain it to him.”
Siska        : “O.K.”

The bold typed expressions in the dialogue above show the expression of accusing and denying.
Study the expressions below!
Expression of Accusing
Expression of Denying
Why do you do this?
It is not true.
Why did you...?
It must be your fault.
You must be responsible for...
Why do you say like that?
You must do it.
Don’t deny that you do it.
You are the one to blame.
I don’t know anything about it.
It was your own fault.
What did you expect? You should have/ should’t have...
I told you but you wouldn’t listen.
I deny that.
It’s no use crying over spilt milk.
It serves you right.
It’s not my fault.
Perhaps that’ll teach you a lesson.

12.1.2.d. Asking for Explanation

The Dialogue
Ajeng       : “Hello, Rizal.”
Rizal         : “Hello, Ajeng.”
Ajeng       : “What are you calling me for?”
Rizal         : “For...something. I want to tell you something.”
Ajeng       : “What is it?”
Rizal         : “I really wish you’ll be my special friend.”
Ajeng       : “Why do you say like this?”
Rizal         : “I’m sorry. I do this because I feel alone without you, you know?”
Ajeng       : “I get it. But I am afraid to make you disappointed.”
Rizal         : “Ajeng, I suppose you, I expect you, I wish you, and I hope you become my special riend.”
Ajeng       : “O.K. How about meeting at ‘Yummy Steak?’ We discuss there.”
Rizal         : “Alright. I’ll wait you there. Good bye.”
Ajeng       : “O.K. Good bye.”

The bold typed expressions in the dialogue above are used to ask for explanation. The expression of asking for explanation is used to ask something we don’t know yet.

In order to ask explanation, we can use:
* How come?                  * Can you explain why...?
* Why is it that?              * Does this mean...?
* Can you tell me why..?               * I don’t understand why...

12.1.2.e. Expressing Like and Dislike
The Dialogue
Anjar   : “Did you enjoy your holiday in Bali?”
Joni      : “Yes, I did. It was very relaxing. Bali is so beautiful. I’ll go there again next week.”
Anjar   : “What about Jakarta? Do you like it?”
Joni      : “Jakarta? I don’t like it. It’s too crowded and noisy.”
Anjar   : “Do you like Bandung?”
Joni      : “Yes, I do. I like the weather and the scenery. But not the road. They are too narrow and crowded. Indonesia has too many people. Having too many people always create big problems, you know?”
Anjar   : “You’re right. This is our big problem.”

The bold typed expressions in the dialogue above are the examples of how to express like and dislike.
Study the following pattern!
1. How to express like:

Rounded Rectangle:               Like/s
     S +    Love/s             + Ving/ noun
              Be fond of

For examples:            
* We like going out on Saturday night.
* He loves surfing on the beach.
* They are fond of riding motorcycle around the city.
2. How to express dislike:

Rounded Rectangle:              do/does + not like
     S +   hate/s                        + Ving/ noun
             Can’t stand on

For examples:
* She doesn’t like riding motorcycle.
* The teacher hates the students who often cheating during the test.
* Desi can’t stand on the cold weather so she never joins the camping.

*      Kelas XII semester 2

Kompetensi dasar: merespon dan mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan tak resmi secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sederhana dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari- hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur:
7.1. Membujuk, mendorong semangat, mengkritik, mengungkapkan harapan, dan mencegah.
7.2. Menyesali, mengungkapkan/ menanyakan rencana, tujuan, maksud, memprediksi, berspekulasi, dan memberi penilaian.

12.7.1.a. Expressing of Preventation

The Dialogue
Qye     : “Bram, what do you think if I want to marry again and have two waves?”
Bram   : “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I wouldn’t do that if I were you. It’s too risky.”

The bold typed sentence in the dialogue above is used to show expression of preventation. It used to prevent someone doing something wrong.

Study the following below!
Expression of Preventation
Responses of Preventation
I wouldn’t do that....if I were you.
I’ll consider that.
I wouldn’t take this risk if I were in your position.
You wouldn’t say that if you understood my situation.
I’ll think about that.
It’s not a good idea.
I think it is not wise to do.
I’ll think it over.
I wouldn’t do that if I were you. It’s too risky.
That’s a stupid thing to do. I wouldn’t do it if I were you.
I’ll reschedule my plan.
I think that’s not a good idea. You’d better cancel your plan.

12.7.1.b. Expressing Wishes

The Dialogue
Deni    : “Tom. Would you mind not singing?”
Tom     : “Oh, is it bothering you? I;m sorry.”
Deni    : “I’m sorry too, I have a presentation tomorrow.”
Tom     : “So, I wish you luck.”
The bold typed expressions in the dialogue above are the examples of how to express wishes. It used when we supposed something good happen for someone.

Study the expressions below!
Giving general wishes
I wish you luck.
Thank you.
Good luck.
Best of luck.
Thank you very much.
Good fortune be with you.
I hope that everything goes OK for you.
Many thanks.
I’m sure that everything will work out just fine.
May you be happy and successful in your new life.
Thanks. You too.
Well, we hope that everything will be alright.
Thank you and the same to you.
I hope you’ve a good/ pleasant/ enjoyable...
Thank you and you too.
Please give your parents my best wishes.

12.7.1.c. Expressing of Inviting Someone to Do Something

The Dialogue
Nila     : “Mila, do you know the boy who’s standing over there?”
Mila     : “Which one? Do you mean the boy who’s reading the magazine?”
Nila     : “No, the one which short hair.”
Mila     : “The boy that Kiki is talking to now? He’s Agus, a new third- year student. Don’t you know him?”
Nila     : “Yes, I do. Isn’t he the best student that we have in our school?”
Mila     : “Yes, everybody think he is. Let’s discuss some hard maths problems with him. I also want to written his book, the one which I showed you yesterday.”
Nila     : “Okay. I want to know how he can work so fast.”

The bold typed sentences in the dialogue above are used to invite someone to do something.
We only use “let’s…. and come on” to invite someone to do something.

12.7.2.a. Expressing Plan
The Dialogue
Annie  : So, what is the plan?
Sinta    : My plan is that I’m going to tell the truth to my boyfriend.
Annie  : Even though you know that your boyfriend is intolerable?
Sinta    : Whatever it takes, truth does hurt.
Annie  : Sounds good tome! Honesty is the best policy.

The bold typed in the dialogue above is used to express plan.
Asking about plans
Hiding Plans
Stating Plans
What is your plan?
I’ve got a particular plan.
My plan is...
What are you going to do then?
I can’t tell you now.
I’m going to...
What do you intend to do?
I can’t make up my mind.
I intend to....
What are you planning to do?
You’ll see later.
I’m planning to...

12.7.2.b. Expression of Regret

Andri is talking with Dewi now. They have never met each other for two weeks.
Andri       : “I am sorry. I have hurt your heart.”
Dewi        : “It’s good. You admitted that.”
Andri       : “I realized that I made some mistakes. I didn’t believe you.”
Dewi        : “I’m glad to hear that. I hope you won’t make the same mistake again.”
Andri       : “I swear I promise. I know you are the best one for me.”
Dewi        : “You’re kidding me. By the way...during we have never met two weeks ago. My father was in the hospital. He had an operation.”
Andri       : “Oh, that’s too bad. I’m sorry to hear it. O.K. Let’s go to your house now.”
Dewi        : “Alright.”

The bold typed expressions in the dialogue above show the expression of regret. This expressions are used when we realize to do something wrong to other people.

Study the following expressions!
* I’m terribly sorry...       * I’m ever so sorry...
* I’m awfully sorry...      * I’m very sorry for the..
* I’m dreadfully sorry...  * I wasn’t able to...

*      Transaksional adalah suatu wacana yang berkaitan dengan suatu transaksi yang terjadi antara satu individu dengan individu lainnya. Misalnya, percakapan tentang situasi akan berbelanja.
*      Interpersonal adalah suatu wacana yang berkaitan dengan hubungan/interaksi satu individu dengan individu lainnya. Contoh, memberi salam.
Kompetensi Dasar pada keduanya untuk masing-masing kelas sesuai dengan kurikulum KTSP 2006.


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-          Sudarwati, Th. M, 2007, Look Ahead 3, Jakarta: Erlangga
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-          Sugiana, S. Pd, 2010, Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA Kelas XII Semester I, Lamongan: Forum Guru Mandiri Kabupaten Lamongan
-          Hakim, Nur, S. Pd, 2010, Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA Kelas X Semester I, Lamongan: Forum Guru Mandiri Kabupaten Lamongan
-          Hariatmo, Agus, 2008, Acuan Pengayaan Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas XII Semester I, Solo: CV. Sindhunata
-          Hanung, Radite, 2007, Acuan Pengayaan Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas XI Semester II, Solo: CV. Sindhunata
-          Ferra, Arni, 2010, Kupas Tuntas UN SMA Bahasa Inggris, Solo: Sindhunata
-          Sugiana, S. Pd, 2010, Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA Kelas X Semester II, Lamongan: Forum Guru Mandiri Kabupaten Lamongan
-          Amin, Ahmad, Drs., 2010, Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA Kelas XI Semester I, Lamongan: Forum Guru Mandiri Kabupaten Lamongan